Das sagen unsere Teilnehmer:Innen:

„Zusammenspiel von Scrum und Nexus interaktiv lernen Das Training war sehr interessant und die Trainer absolut kompetent. Es wurde auf alle Fragen ausfĂŒhrlich eingegangen und hilfreiche Praxistipps gegeben. Ich als ziemlicher Scrum und Nexus Neuling konnte einige interessante Themen mitnehmen. Besonders lehreich zur Skalierung von Scrum mit Nexus war das Arbeiten in kleinen Gruppen anhand etlicher Beispiele und die Interaktion des Trainings.“ [...]
„Peter is a nice teacher, learned the Nexus way“ [...]
„Der Kurs war zwar klein aber oho! Peter konnte uns an beiden Tagen alle Fragen beantworten, wir hatten gute Diskussionen und jede Menge Informationen & Tipps, die jetzt angewendet werden wollen :) Ich kann den Kurs Professional Scrum with Kanban fĂŒr alle empfehlen!“ [...]
Markus Graefe-Schwark Testimonial Logo
„Professional Scrum Developer I (PSD I) I've taken the 3 day course "Professional Scrum Developer I (PSD I)" held by "Peter Götz" and also successfully attempted the exam on 02.12.2021. Imho the course was great! - It wasn't boring at all and all the interaction kept the participants (or at least me) quite busy and focused - It wasn't a classic "course solely focused on succeeding the exam" (as it unfortunately often is) and that's one thing I liked about it (even if others may disagree in this regard) - I've taken away several useful things that I'm already able to apply to my "daily business" (e.g. "demand" ONE sprint goal, involve the PO far more often,...) To prepare for the exam I absolved the suggested "demo exams" provided by scrum.org (Scrum- and Developer Open), read the scrum guide and a scrum "cheat sheet" and nothing more. With the course and the above preparation I'd say the exam was fair. - The time frame was very tight, but I understand the intention: Too much time would leave far too much room to cheat. But since there are no other measures to prevent cheating (like: 3 cams at least, no cellphones within reach, film the entire room prior to start,...), I was definitely ok with this. (otherwise I'd probably given the exam an unused pass) - Already having achieved multiple ISTQB certifications prior was an extreme help since I already knew topics like TDD. Without this knowledge and only based on the info from the course the short time might have run out too soon. - There was one question about a Burndown Chart (including a picture). Since we didn't discuss this within the course, I had to guess after eliminating the most improbable answers. After I gave this feedback, Peter stated, that he'd try to include it in future courses. All in all it was a valuable and fun experience for me and I'd definitely join further courses like this one! Keep up the good work!“ [...]
„Great Course for Basically Everyone As the title already states this Course is great not only for Developers who have no connection to Scrum but also for Developers already working in a Scrum Team and for Scrum Masters as well. Peter has managed to organize the course in such a way that it is not boring by constantly alternating between theoretical and practical sessions. Review written by a Developer working in a Scrum Team for a multiple years who also supports a different Team as a Scrum Master.“ [...]
„Magic of Metrics, Cookies and some Beer! Peter and Daniel, you are both very inspiring trainers with a lot of experience and humor. Thank you for a great PSK Training. I especially liked when Daniel's eyes almost lit up with joy while he was telling us the magic of the Kanban metrics. The same goes for Peter, you can tell that he is passionate about Scrum. With his experience, he explained every question, no matter how detailed, satisfactorily. And I guess if he could, Peter would even inspire people for professional scrum for just some cookies and good bier. I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon! Ps: Why only 4 stars? Because I would have liked to get to know Daniel in person and not just through the screen.“ [...]
„Peter enabled me to understand scaling
 Peter enabled me to understand scaling of Scrum and the challenges that could come along with it. Great Training.“ [...]
„A good workshop for every Scrum developer A good recap on my daily work as well as new things learned that will help me understand Scrum as a framework better.“ [...]
„the course was amazing and really good. Peter and Simon are a perfect trainer team and make it interesting with examples from the real life.“ [...]
„Really helpful to understand Scrum Nexus Really helpful to understand Scrum Nexus and Scaling Scrum - I recommend both Trainers in virtual class. It helped me a lot :-)“ [...]
„PSD-Training Great teachers with great practical use cases for a very understandable and practical training.“ [...]
„Extrem professionell, praxisnah, offen, transferorientiert und motivierend. Vielen Dank an die absoluten Experten Jean Pierre und Götz fĂŒr die Qualifizierung im Rahmen des Professional Scrum Master (PSM) Kurses!!! P.S. Hygieneregelung im Rahmen von Corona hervorragend. Sehr empfehlenswert. Vielen Dank Jean-Pierre und Götz. :-)“ [...]
„PSD 3-day course Peter has been been an outstanding trainer to our whole team, we learned a lot during the PSD course and most importantly many of the gained insights we can directly apply in our daily projects.“ [...]
„Awsome 2 day training experience During two days of SPS training Simon and Peter managed to gave me a broad understanding when to scale and when not to scale. Based on a case study I was able to gather knowledge on goals of scaling and where to focus on during a scaling process. It helped me to understand the boundaries of the framework and gave me insights on facilitating during workshop sessions.“ [...]
„In 2 days Simon and Peter provided excellent insights and tie-ins on how to scale to more than a handful of Scrum teams. The course itself is a healthy mix of theoretical fundamentals and practical group exercises based on a real-life case study. That recurring theme made it easy for participants to relate to their respective challenges. Add to that two talented, knowledgeable and humorous coaches and you'll get two days that just flew by. I'm sure that with the insights provided the participants are more than capable of facing new challenges in scaled product development.“ [...]
Igor Knotka Testimonial Logo
„Hallo Frau Ternes, Hoechster Lob an Peter Goetz und Alisa Stolze: Ich habe fachlich und menschlich sehr viel gelernt. Mit freundlichen GrĂŒĂŸen I. Knotka“
Anna Wendel, Sixt Mobility Consulting GmbH Testimonial Logo
„Stefan Fuid“ [...]
„Das Seminar mit Ellen Gottesdiener war ausgesprochen gut. Sehr viel Interaktion mit spannenden Beispielen aus der Praxis. ZusĂ€tzlich Gruppendiskussion. Die Methodik kann ich im Berufsleben mit meinem Team nutzen“ [...]
Hakan Tans..., OSRAM GmbH Testimonial Logo
„Hallo Jean Piere, hallo Peter, vielen Dank noch einmal fĂŒr das “Professional Scrum Master” Training diese Woche. ... Habe das PSM I erfolgreich (90%) bestanden. Vielen Dank noch einmal“
Laszlo G., Uniper Energy Testimonial Logo
„Super und Klasse zwei Tage, die vernĂŒnftig investiert wurden. Entertainment pure. Ich habe sehr viel neues ĂŒber der PO Rolle gelernt. Peter hat es sehr professional und souverĂ€n gemacht. Bzgl. PDF Kursunterlage: Diese ist mit vielen Fragen bzw. Fallstudien bestĂŒckt, die wir wĂ€hrend der zwei Tage nicht abgedeckt hatten. Hier hĂ€tte ich mir gewĂŒnscht die Antworten/Lösungen dazu geliefert zu bekommen, was die Vorbereitungszeit fĂŒr die PrĂŒfung reduziert hĂ€tte.“