Das sagen unsere Teilnehmer:Innen:

Vanessa Thompson Testimonial Logo
„Great instructors DO exist! While I was looking for a PSM II class, I stumbled upon Boris and Glenn as instructors. It was a great experience, lots of group work with the other participants and it never got boring. I gathered a significant amount of knowledge during class that I am now confident to apply in my company! I can only recommend their class.“ [...]
Florian Lutz Testimonial Logo
„Great experience and learned a lot about the role as PO The course was very well structured and led by Boris and Glenn and I was able to learn a lot through practical examples and group work, which will support me in my daily work in the future. Furthermore, I was able to learn a lot about myself as a PO and have concrete ideas about where I can develop in the future.“ [...]
„Wie, schon vorbei? "Wie, schon vorbei?" dachte ich mir am Freitag um 17 Uhr, als die zwei sehr intensiven, spannenden, interessanten und wirklich extrem lehrreichen Tage mit Boris und Glenn um waren. Mir wurde von Kolleg:innen viel vorab versprochen und die beiden haben wirklich alle Erwartungen übertroffen. Sie haben uns ganz gemein ausgetrickst, um die Liberating Structures näher zu bringen, uns aus der Komfortzone raus in unbekannte Situationen mit wechselnden Teammitgliedern geworfen und durch kurze Aufgabenintervalle unser "wahres Ich" gezwungen zu arbeiten! Also sowas hatte ich auch noch in keinem Workshop :D Ich kann den Kurs wirklich absolut empfehlen für jede:n die/der nicht nur das "how to" lernen möchte. Und vor allem auch denen, die nicht für das Zertifikat nach der Prüfung in einen Workshop gehen. Gerne hätten wir da auch von Montag bis Freitag draus machen können und ich hoffe, dass ich nochmal die Gelegenheit habe, an einem Workshop von Euch teilzunehmen!“ [...]
David Theis Testimonial Logo
„Agile Leadership Although the course unfortunately had to take place as an online course it was nevertheless extremely interesting and offered me and my colleagues interesting insights into the area of Agile Leadership. The discussions and excercises with Boris and Glenn were very enlightening. Thanks a lot for two interesting days, many answered questions but even more unanswered questions that may serve us as a guide on our future way.“ [...]
Jean Frederic Brösel Testimonial Logo
„Very good setup with some good case… Very good setup with some good case studies and background information. Sadly most of the class was about SCRUM basics which I already knew (from the SCRUM developer training). The specifics of the SCRUM master role were only discussed at the end of the class. Maybe its possible to offer seperate classes in the future for people with SCRUM experience and others witout basic experience.“ [...]