Das sagen unsere Teilnehmer:Innen:

Daniel Barisch Testimonial Logo
„Zusammen mit sieben weiteren Teilnehmern und einem stets gut gelaunten JP haben wir das Training zum PSM1 absolviert. JP vermittelt insbesondere die Werte, aber auch alle anderen Aspekte von Scrum auf eingängige und anschauliche Weise, nutzt sowohl altbewährte als auch unorthodoxe Methoden, um den eigenen Lernerfolg zu maximieren. Es fand ein reger und offener Austausch von Ansichten, Meinungen und Erfahrungen statt und ich kann den Kurs definitiv weiter empfehlen!“ [...]
„Guter systematischer Aufbau. Klassische analoge Moderationstools (Post-Its, Flip-Charts, Karten, u.ä.) - dadurch Fokussierung auf Kursinhalt und keine Ablenkung durch "technischen SchnickSchnack“ [...]
Jens Groß, Jungheinrich Testimonial Logo
„It was a very good training with an eccentric trainer who brought a lot of practical experience with the topic into the event. There were many good practical exercises and the documentation for the course was created in parallel "on the fly", which was very practical.“ [...]
„Very much content Lot's of insights and detailed knowledge for a professional PO. Sometimes a little bit more time for practise (how to transfer to my daily business) could be helpful.“ [...]
Rolf Gerner Testimonial Logo
„Sehr angenehme Atmosphäre, nette Schulungsteilnehmer, gute Kommunikationsskills, logisch gut aufgebautes Training“ [...]
N.N., Jungheinrich Aktiengesellschaft Testimonial Logo
„ohne Text“ [...]
Eric Nordmann Testimonial Logo
„I was looking for a practicable expand on the professional agile management (PAL-I) training. Here i found it! Top trainer with an valuable exercise based approach. Unfortunately online only.“ [...]
„Peter is a nice teacher, learned the Nexus way“ [...]
Boris Scherf Testimonial Logo
„Super vorbereitet und sehr kurzweilig. Durch die beiden Trainer wurden verschiedene Perspektiven und Erfahrungen erläutert was auch umgemein wertvoll gewesen ist. Gerne wieder!“ [...]
Deepthi Thachett, Swisscom Testimonial Logo
„It was a great learning experience with some real scenarios which could bring some fruitful discussion and insights from trainers.“ [...]
Jean Frederic Brösel Testimonial Logo
„Very good setup with some good case… Very good setup with some good case studies and background information. Sadly most of the class was about SCRUM basics which I already knew (from the SCRUM developer training). The specifics of the SCRUM master role were only discussed at the end of the class. Maybe its possible to offer seperate classes in the future for people with SCRUM experience and others witout basic experience.“ [...]
Julian Schäfer Testimonial Logo
„Great Course for Basically Everyone As the title already states this Course is great not only for Developers who have no connection to Scrum but also for Developers already working in a Scrum Team and for Scrum Masters as well. Peter has managed to organize the course in such a way that it is not boring by constantly alternating between theoretical and practical sessions. Review written by a Developer working in a Scrum Team for a multiple years who also supports a different Team as a Scrum Master.“ [...]
Johanna Wiendl Testimonial Logo
„Magic of Metrics, Cookies and some Beer! Peter and Daniel, you are both very inspiring trainers with a lot of experience and humor. Thank you for a great PSK Training. I especially liked when Daniel's eyes almost lit up with joy while he was telling us the magic of the Kanban metrics. The same goes for Peter, you can tell that he is passionate about Scrum. With his experience, he explained every question, no matter how detailed, satisfactorily. And I guess if he could, Peter would even inspire people for professional scrum for just some cookies and good bier. I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon! Ps: Why only 4 stars? Because I would have liked to get to know Daniel in person and not just through the screen.“ [...]
Wolfgang Bach, Haufe-Lexware GmbH & CoKG Testimonial Logo
„Nice small group with different status of scrum implementation. Jean-Pierre and Götz configured the two days competent, varied and amusing, bringing in their rich experience using the scrum framework in different sectors.“ [...]
Irina Heck, Kegon AG Testimonial Logo
„Die Moderation des Trainings durch Jean-Pierre und Uta war auch im Online Format großartig! Trotz der heterogenen Teilnehmergruppe mit unterschiedlichsten Vorkenntnissen haben die Trainer versucht das Wesentliche und Wichtigste zur Rolle und den Aufgaben des Scrum Masters zu vermitteln. Danke für den tollen Kurs!“
Daniela Schmidt, ING-DiBa AG Testimonial Logo
„Hat sehr weitergeholfen. Und hat Spaß gemacht. Vielen Dank!“
Anna Wendel, Sixt Mobility Consulting GmbH Testimonial Logo
„Stefan Fuid“ [...]
„Mehr Fokus auf die Rolle des Scrum Masters, was macht er im Detail“ [...]
Susanne Bühler Testimonial Logo
„ohne Text“ [...]